French Camino: O Cebreiro - Santiago


93 miles


10 days




O Cebreiro - Santiago

  • Free Changes
  • 24/7 support

From: $ 1,375

O Cebreiro, known for its straw roof houses (pallozas), is located on the Galicia border, about 95 miles (150Km) from Santiago. This section of the French route will have you descend from the mountains from the highest point of the Camino in Galicia, through beautiful landscapes and fertile valleys to the city of Santiago. You will have the opportunity to visit sights along the way like the benedictine Monastery of Samos. It is a great route for those willing to explore the French camino beyond the last 100Km. This trip makes you eligible to obtain your Compostela certificate when you arrive in Santiago.

  • TOUR TYPE: Self-guided
  • DATES AVAILABLE: Year-round
  • ACTIVITY: Walking tour
  • ACCOMMODATIONS: Bed & Breakfast
double room on camino
Authentic Accommodations

From family-owned B&Bs in the smaller villages to hotels in the larger towns, all accommodations are carefully selected to ensure they are comfortable, private and provide an authentic Camino experience. You will have your own private bedroom with an en-suite bathroom.

cheese plate from ulloa region

Breakfast is included with your reservation. Pilgrim breakfasts offer an assortment of delicious local products to prepare you for your walk. Our welcome packet includes recommendations on what to try for your main meals and where to stop. Prefer arranged meals? Add an optional dinners-included package to your tour.

backpack by albergue sign on the camino from leon
Lugagge Transfer

Travel light on the trail and leave your bag at your hotel when you leave every morning and we will transfer it to your next hotel for you. Live the pilgrimage experience comfortably.


Day 1. Arrive in O Cebreiro

You will arrive in O Cebreiro by your own means (see Getting There section). O Cebreiro is a very small town located  at over 4200 feet just as the Camino crosses into the Galicia region, towering over nearby green landscapes. You will be impressed by the characteristic straw-roofed houses (pallozas) that were built from celtic settlements prior to the Roman empire's presence in Spain. One of them has been restored and is used as a wine museum today. The pre-romanesque church of Santa María la Real from the 9th century is worth visiting as well. The tourist office is in the neighboring town, Piedrafita do Cebreiro, 4.3Km away.

Overnight: O Cebreiro.

Day 2. O Cebreiro - Triacastela (13 mi)
O Cebreiro is where el Camino crosses into the Galicia region and where we will start our walk. We will see the impresive pallozas (straw-roofed houses) and visit the sanctuary of the Eucharistic miracle before we set out on our way to Triacastela. Today we start up high and will go through some up and downs until we will reach Alto de Poio, the highest peak of el camino in Galicia at 4380ft with amazing views. It's all downhill from there through forests and the river valley.

Meals: B. Overnight: Triacastela.

Day 3. Triacastela - Sarria (16 mi)
Today you will be walking along the Oribio valley, one of the most impressive landscapes of the French route, surrounded by the river and lush forests of chestnuts, poplars and oak trees. Halfway through the stage we will visit the benedictine monastery of Samos, the oldest inhabited monastery in Spain, with its impressive cloisters and murals. The day will end with dinner in Sarria, where many of the camino routes come together.

Meals: B. Overnight: Sarria.

Day 4. Sarria - Portomarín (14 mi)
Sarria is strategically placed just over the 100Km mark away from Santiago which is the minimum distance eligible for the completion certificate (Compostela). It is the ideal starting place for new Camino walkers. The day starts at one of the most beautiful oak groves in El Camino. Along the way, you will see Romanesque building remains, rustic crossings and a medieval bridge together with several historical sites like the church of Santiago de Barbadelo or the church of San Fiz de Reimondez. As you reach the end of the stage you will cross over the Miño river.

Meals: B. Overnight: Portomarín.

Day 5. Portomarín - Palas de Rei (16 mi)
Portomarín dates back to the Roman invasion of Spain and was an important stop along the route in the Middle Ages. You can visit its 13th century church and see the ancient roman bridge when the river runs low. This stage will take you through the region of Monterroso and Palas de Rei, crossing renowned villages like Gonzar, Castromaior (with its famous Castro) and Ligonde.

Meals: B. Overnight: Palas de Rei.

Day 6. Palas de Rei - Melide (10 mi)
Palas de Rei was the old residence of the visigoth king Witiza in the 8th century where you can visit the church of St. Tirso dating from the 12th century. We will set on foot for Melide today, an important town where both the Northern Camino and the Camino Primitivo merge with the French. For this reason, you'll find more pilgrims on the following stages until you arrive in Santiago.

Melide is famous for its pulpo a feira (octopus) and melindres (dessert), so make sure you indulge! 

Meals: B. Overnight: Melide.

Day 7. Melide - Arzúa (9 mi)
After enjoying the local food in Melide, we will make our way to Arzúa. The route is a mix of well conserved and repaired trails together with some more abrupt sections. You will cross the Iso river and reach the village of Ribadiso while walking through some of the most spectacular scenery in el Camino. We will make sure to try the renowned cheese varieties from this region (Arzúa-Ulloa). In March they hold a Cheese festival at the village dedicated to this local staple, famous enough to carry its own trademark.

Meals: B. Overnight: Arzúa.

Day 8. Arzúa - Rúa (12 mi)
After our stay in Arzúa, where you can visit the Convent of Mary Magdalen and the parochial church of Santiago, we'll get our pilgrim passports stamped and head out to the town of O Pedrouzo. This stage takes you through quiet forest paths with eucalyptus groves between villages that are so small with houses so spread out that it is hard to tell where one village ends and the next one begins. The scenery is one of the most beautiful throughout el Camino. Towards the end of the stage, we will visit the chapel and fountain of St Irene, built in the Baroque style.

Meals: B. Overnight: Rúa.

Day 9. Rúa - Santiago de Compostela (12 mi)
Ready with anticipation as this is the final stage of the journey on the Camino, some pilgrims eager to reach their final goal in Santiago usually make it through this stage pretty fast. Other pilgrims, sad to see their wonderful time on the Camino coming to an end, choose to take it easy through the leaf covered paths. Monte de Gozo (Hill of Joy) is the first place from where you can see the spires in Santiago's Cathedral. After that, you will arrive in Santiago where you can visit the famous Obradoiro square, the Cathedral and have a chance to hug the apostle.

Don't forget to collect our last stamp and with your completed credential, request your pilgrim certificate from the Pilgrim's Office off the Obradoiro square.

Meals: B. Overnight: Santiago.

Day 10. Santiago de Compostela

Your Camino adventure ends after breakfast today. Enjoy your morning in Santiago and visit the many landmarks around the city, or take the opportunity to attend the pilgrim's mass if you didn't have time the day before. Don't forget to stop by the pilgrim's office to request your Compostela.

If you would like to extend your tour with other activities, like a guided tour of Santiago, a day trip to Finisterre or a transfer to the airport, let us know when you make your reservation and we'll arrange them for you. Congratulations, you did it!

Meals: Breakfast.

  • palloza in o cebreiro
  • cross on o cebreiro
  • view from the o cebreiro mountain
  • courtyard inside the samos monastery
  • hotel room with two beds
  • Mile markers on el Camino
  • pilgrim items for sale on street cart
  • santiago's cathedral with pilgrim credential
  • Private accommodations (9 nights)
  • Breakfast (9)
  • Luggage transfer (1 bag, 44 lbs)
  • 24/7 Emergency support
  • Pilgrim's Credential, Maps & directions
  • VAT included
  • * Tour prices listed are per person, in double occupancy accommodations.
  • Click the OPTIONAL tab for individual supplement pricing and other optional services to add to your tour.
  • HALF-BOARD SUPPLEMENT(9 dinners): $397
  • TRANSFERS: Request a quote at checkout
  • AIRFARE: Request a quote at checkout

Our self-guided caminos include:

24/7 Support: We understand that setting out on your own to walk on a foreign country can seem like a challenge, specially when walking on a trail. No need to worry! We provide a local emergency number where you will be able to reach us 24/7.

Information packet: Our complete welcome packet includes your pilgrim credential, maps for the walk, directions to your hotels, instructions for your luggage transfers, and all the information you need for your camino.

Expert Service: As the U.S.-based Camino specialist, we know that you have specific expectations and concerns. Our team brings you unparalleled knowledge and a unique perspective on how to approach the trip and ensure you have a wonderful experience.

Flexibility: Our trips are not one-size fits all. We offer multiple add-ons to our self-guided tours, from dinner packages to airport or inter-city transfers and extra hotel nights. Just let us know. We're here to support you on your quest.