Best Breakfast on the Camino

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churros with sugar on plate

Churros on plate

hot chocolate and churros

Churros are a staple in Spain. No matter the region or city, churros can be found almost anywhere. But the churros in Spain are completely different than the churros you’ll find in South America or the US. There is never cinnamon involved and no sugar unless you put it on yourself.

Churros are normally served with a thick, rich hot chocolate or a café con leche.

They are mainly eaten for breakfast at a café or eaten for a before dinner snack. There are small cafes that only serve hot chocolate and churros, called churrerías, and there are small street vendors who will cook them in hot oil right on the street for you.

Now I’ve probably eaten at least a thousand churros over my lifetime (don’t judge, they are delicious!) and it got me thinking about the history behind them. I came across this Huffington post article and was surprised to learn that they probably originated from shepherds in Northern Spain.

There’s even a breed of sheep called Navajo-Churro in Spain who have horns that resemble the fried pastry.

I’ve tried to replicated churros at home many times, but my dough is always too thick somehow. Spanish churros are light, greasy and deep golden brown. Mine always seem heavy and doughy. When you’re in Spain you must try the churros for yourself and see how they stack up to the traditional American version.